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This might not seem like a green issue to some, but I think it is, and since I am the master of my domain…

I dread having to go to these weather web sites, for instance, The Weather Channel’s site or any of the multitudes of corporate and news media’s fugly sites. Not only are they far from being aesthetically pleasing, they’re saturated with millions of dollars worth of unsustainable product advertising.

I might not trust the government on much, but in the case of weather, I have a feeling they are telling the truth, at least to the best of their abilities.

For people who want to know the weather free of blinking, annoying, unsustainable advertising, may the American Government and I present to you the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s  National Weather Service’s web site. It might not be fancy, but you’ll get what you came for.

See you can find good in everything.

: ]


Days To Do Something Good

April 2024

Our Super Fly Site

Mushpa y Mensa Site

Mushpa y Mensa Site

All About Me

I start many things with good intentions, many, many things. This time I intend to stay focused. This time I will not leave behind what I started. This time it is larger and more important than my obsession with Martha Stewart, all design shows, and Teresa Witherspoon. :P This time it is about the greater good...this time I am serious.

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