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I saw a hipster on the subway tonight, sporting a puma bag while wearing his black satin jacket with “Google” emblazoned on one of his sleeves.

Are people so easily distracted?


I find it strange when I talk to people about my distaste for Big Brother google, most just give me that look…like my insanity is a charming character trait and my conspiracies are if nothing else adorable. Really, only my friend Tony feels my true distaste for this “search engine” mutation, him and a few other super nerds. People even come to agree with me, but more of their concerns are, “what will happen to my g-mail account, google earth, google chrome…” I mean are you for real… read a book…watch a good movie…wake up…

Here’s a little story for you,

“Google Earth has proven useful for a plethora of things—finding your house from space, checking out islands in the Pacific Ocean, and now, finding massive fields of weed. At least that’s what happened in Switzerland, when Swiss police managed to come across a “large marijuana plantation” while using Google’s popular software.

(We’ll pause while fans of Mary Jane fire up Google Earth.)

Swiss police say that the marijuana field was discovered in Thurgau sometime last year while they were investigating a suspected drug ring. Officers were apparently trying to use Google Earth to locate the exact address of two farmers they suspected of being involved in the ring, and came across the two-acre-large plantation hidden in a field of corn in the process. “It was an interesting chance discovery,” Zurich police’s specialist narcotics unit Norbert Klossner told the Associated Press. No kidding.

The investigation had already yielded the seizure of 1.2 tons of hash and the arrest of 16 people. The criminal investigation targeting the 16 suspects (which we presume to include the two farmers) is scheduled to wrap up in February, and Prosecutor Gabi Alkalay said that she plans to ask for prison sentences for all involved.

The police didn’t acknowledge whether they did anything to the field they found, but we think it’s safe to say that it will probably soon disappear from Google Earth if it hasn’t already.”

Thanks to TrippyApps for pointing this fascinating story of how google is a front for the Illuminati’s  New World Order [A conspiracy in which powerful and secretive groups (the Illuminati, the Bilderberg Group and other shadowy cabals) are plotting to rule mankind with a single world government. Many historical events are said to have been engineered by these groups with one goal – the New World Order (NWO). The groups use political finance, social engineering, mind control, and fear-based propaganda to achieve their aims. Signs of the NWO are said to be the pyramid on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, inset, strange and disturbing murals at Denver International Airport, pictured, and pentagrams in city plans. International organizations such as the World Bank, the IMF, the European Union, the United Nations, and NATO are listed as founding organizations of the New World Order. ] . Do a google search for “The Illuminati and the New World Order” and you will find web sites talking about the Illuminati’s deceptive plans in a way that is almost ridiculous, with google ads all over their sites. Ha. There is no truth of the Illuminati on the web (except here… ;] ). The American education system is dumbing the children of our society for the coming of the New World Order. The Euro is the beginning of the end of individualism, that and boy bands. Home school your kids with friends.  Read books, turn off the TV, open your eyes…


Fight back and think.


Days To Do Something Good

May 2024

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I start many things with good intentions, many, many things. This time I intend to stay focused. This time I will not leave behind what I started. This time it is larger and more important than my obsession with Martha Stewart, all design shows, and Teresa Witherspoon. :P This time it is about the greater good...this time I am serious.

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